Resume and CV Writing

Get a professional resume written for you that showcases your skills and strengths.

Why use Rehoboth Recruiters CV writing services?

Choose Your Package:

A strong CV is a must-have for any job application process. It’s your opportunity to show future employers that you’re the best candidate for the job. Standing out from the rest of the crowd is vital – and our CV writing service will help you do just that.

Early Career CV

N 5,000

Ideal for those with 0-3 years experience (cover letter inclusive)

Next Step CV

N 6,500

Ideal for those with 3-10 years experience (cover letter inclusive)

Advanced career CV

N 8,000

Ideal for those with Over 10 years experience (cover letter inclusive)

Perks of choosing us

Get Hired Faster

Land your dream job significantly faster than traditional job seekers.

Land job offers

Our clients are 3x as likely to receive job offers.

Earn More

Our clients have a higher chance of earning salaries above their target range

Top Employers